Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) now with Pictograms
UPDATED - You can now select an appropriate GHS Hazard Pictogram when uploading an SDS.

This Pictogram will be used with an upcoming Chemical Register Feature, so get your Pictograms selected for your Hazard SDS, to update, just "edit" the existing SDS and update the pictogram.
All the Workplace Documents have a similar layout, except for the "SDS" Sub Category under "Chemical Management" this has been done so it is easier to keep updated all your Safety Data Sheets updated and easily viewed.
There are several Fields to complete when uploading a Safety Data Sheet as you can see from the image below. It is recommended to share SDSs with all roles at the site, as all roles are able to view this Workplace Document Category.
It is important that you list the Supplier, Substance Location and Quantity as you will be able to search & report on all these fields later on.

When an SDS is updated you don't need to delete the entry, all you need to do is edit the entry and update the Date Expired, and upload the updated document, the system will keep both version of the SDS, the download button will by default always give the most updated file first.