STEP 4 - Contractors adding authorised workers
You will be asked by your client to add any authorised workers that will be attending site, this is to ensure they are inducted correctly.
- Authorised workers that are added can have specific licences and certificates etc assigned to them.
- Authorised workers do not get an individual login to the portal, you are required to upload information for them.

To add authorised workers click the "Authorised Workers" buttons from the Dashboard, you will see a table similar to below, it will also list the "Main Contact" as the first Authorised Worker.
To add an authorised worker click the + button top right hand corner of the table, please ensure that workers are only added after they have been correctly inducted to the site.
You can also upload to the

There are some old COVID options that will be removed in the future.
If you click the edit button on each authorised worker entry, you are able to upload documents to the tables for each authorised worker individually, just like when you added certificates and licences for the company profile.