Software Release Notes
Below is a summary of updates that have been applied to the Compliance Portal.
- Sorting and Listing of Tables by date have been fixed.
- Single Site Reporting page now available for Line Managers
- Extra Validation added when creating equipment that has no category, form won't save, button disabled.
- Improvements when updating/editing sensors
- Issue created by column is added in single site reporting to show which user made the task.
- In course outstanding there is now extra details added to the outstanding/no completed/total assigned columns etc.
- Equipment now has activity log, can also assign image to equipment.
- Maintenance Forms will be available in mobile app.
- Support for the Bluetooth Dishwasher disc with the mobile app.
- Extra answer types for use with the form builder to be released. (For use with Bluetooth and Equipment/Maintenance related questions).
- Improvements to the "Vendor" option (they will have functionality very similar to contractors).
- Using Suppliers in the Mobile App.
- Improved Sensor Notifications
- Group Reporting for Multi-Sites.
- Improvements to the layout of the Sensor Dashboard Page.
- Updates to Equipment Maintenance Section to support upcoming Mobile App updates.
- Bug Fix - Improvement to the Outstanding Courses email function, a small portion of completed users were still getting an email notification to complete a course they have already completed.
- Equipment now keeps track of when sensors are added/removed, users who did the change etc, this will improve the sensor graphs when a sensor is replaced etc.
- Bug Fix - Incident Reporting page had a rare error with certain answer types, this has been fixed.
- Site Admins can now create their own Equipment Types and set temperature limits on these types.
- Site Policies can now be assigned Documents from the Default Staff Documents, so you don't need to upload a document a 2nd time now.
- Competencies can now use SOPs from Workplace Documents, so you don't need to upload a document a 2nd time now.
- When adding a App user, you can now assign extra sites to this user when assign app permission
- When adding a user, you can now assign extra sites to that user when creating that account.
- Improvements to reactivating a user account.
- Improvements to adding users to additional sites for app access.
- Custom form PDF Download issue fixed now and can be opened in acrobat reader in browser and download as well.
- Audit, incident, food safety reporting PDF download issue has been resolved.
- Venue question added into PDF with all questions and answer times.
- Audit and competency and incident form questions improved in the builder.
- Manager and Site admin can download the custom form that was created to see/approve the questions.
- Mobile Training Courses can now be assigned to users, groups or roles.
- Pre-Start and Shutdown Reporting pages have been added.
- Bug – Form Builder update master form issue fixed.
- Bug – Incorrect Table names for Shutdown Page, fixed.
- Workplace Document (SDS)s now have additional field for text entry (notes).
- Additional Emails templates have been added to support mobile training courses.
- Bug - PDF downloader updated to fix/improve viewing PDF within browser, for Completed Forms and all Report Pages with the downloading PDF button.
- Bug - Shared device user name was listing incorrectly on reporting pages, instead of form submit username, this has been fixed.
- Profile DashCards, App Pin and Password now have auto generate buttons, to speed up creation of accounts.
- Bug – When manager update role, group or user that is assigned a course, system does double check if they already completed course before sending email about course assigned again.
- Improved backend tracking of training course results
- Workplace Documents SDSs are now set to all roles and users.
- iOS & Android links now available in all app related email templates.
- You can now move/change/add user profiles to different sites in your group. (site admins only).
- Ability to set the current active site for a user profile.
- When changing sites, it will not redirect to the dashboard anymore, it will reload the current page.
- (BUG) When adding contractor accounts the invitation was not working and was giving disabled option instead, this has been fixed.
- Improvement to the Activity logs, the tables now also include the user that made the change(s).
- Improvements to supporting mobile devices, more support will be added in the next release.
- Contractor ABN Status has been updated to notify if active ABN is not Registered for GST.
- Several menu items have been removed when using a mobile device, if you need these please use a desktop or tablet device.
- Training Manager & Training User can now use Workplace Documents.
- (BUG) with training user & employee role, their “Course Result” page layout issues fixed.
- Managers can now assign courses to users when adding their account. (there is an additional email template for this)
- There have been several improvements the page loading and speed.
- (BUG) Updates to the user Activity log, improving the layout of the table.
- Dashboard Cards White bar is now clickable.
- Site policies can be added without any user role and group (send later).
- Contractors can now do assigned Internal Competency Training.
- Chemical Register PDF Generator now available in SDS sub-category of Workplace Documents.
- (BUG) with Training Manager & Users profiles, the "Incomplete" ribbon has been removed.
- Line Management can now see Contractor Authorised Workers.
- More detailed activity logging now with user profiles, you can now view disable profile without needing to enable the profile first.
- Shortcuts now added, an overlay/dropdown of short-cuts is now available, this can now "replace" the left side menu if you like. Use the "Hamburger" toggle, next to your name top left corner to hide the left side menu.
- Left Side Menu, Search bar now added to assist with finding menu items.
- When adding accounts, the role type is now included in the email tracking record.
- Shared Table Device role is added, for use with the upcoming iOS/Andriod app use only.
- (BUG) When account is disabled on Compliance Portal, you can now also check that account status on the old training system.
- File Revision now available for Contractor Documents, also the ability to move documents between categories for contractors.
- You can now export to CSV the Contractor list, only basic information is included at the moment, Company Name, Address, Contact, etc.
- There is now an option to create a Supplier list in the Portal, these Supplies are not given accounts in the system.
- You can now send email reminders to Assigned Site Policies.
- There is now a General Setting page for your site profile, you can set/change email and site logo, time zone & address details etc.
- (BUG) Workplace Documents (Product Discontinued SDSs) now appearing correctly on the Dashboard as (“Product Discontinued”) this is now more clearly displayed/defined.
- (BUG) Fixed Competency Dashboard Card Results
- (BUG) Fixed Training Results Dashboard Card Results
- Renamed option "Delete User" to "Disable User"
- (BUG) Updated/Fixed "Last Course Updated" date in "Course Assignment" table.
- Additional Workplace Document Categories (Read-Only) can now be used by Training Manager & Training User.
- (BUG) If a Document/Licence/Insurance entry has been added to any table/profile, but no file was uploaded, the "Download" button WILL NOT show now.
- (BUG) Fixed incorrect calculation of Outstanding Courses table, the listing of users has been corrected.
- Improvements to the list view when displaying user accounts, roles or groups, multi-select is now available when adding and removing user accounts, roles or groups. scrolling has been improved and there is now a second column, the list length also changes depending on display size.
- Several Security Updates Applied.
- Activity Log is now available for all user profiles, ability to find out who and what edits any profile.
- Site Logo can now be updated by Site Admins, also 2nd logo can be used with the emails. (example white logo)
- Time Zone setting is now available for each Site.
- A General Setting menu is now available for Site Admins, most Site settings will be moved here moving forward.
- File Revision functionality is now available for Safe Work Agreements with Contractor Profiles.
- Site Managers can now apply a different email logo for their Email Templates Only. (due to the coloured background on the email headers sent from the system).
- Email Verification is now checked when updating any user profile, to reduce amount of bounced emails.
- (Bug) - Fixed, updating Workplace Document owner error, this bug has been fixed and the new owner is now applied correctly.
V 4.2.4
- Managers & Site Admins can now send reminders to users that haven't completed specific training courses. These updates are only to new courses assigned via the Portal.
- Email addresses are verified before saving, it will show an error when you try to add an account if the email is not deliverable. (this will prevent mail delivery errors, made from spelling mistakes etc).
- Minimum password strength standards now apply - easy/short password will no longer be accepted.
- "All Profiles" page has been added to Site Admin roles, this will make it easier to find accounts in the system.
- Extra Roles now available for select clients. "Training Manager" & "Training User" These roles are for clients that are only using the training part of the portal.
- Addition of HR Field in all user profiles except Contractor profile.
- COVID "Double Vaccination" options have been hidden from view, these will be removed in the future.
- Page has been updated to better support tablet views, some options from the desktop are removed on the tablet view.
- SDS Documents can now have an appropriate GHS Hazard Pictogram selected if required.
- Document Expiry Email notifications will only be sent once, it WILL NOT keep sending reminders.
- Document Expiry Notifications have been updated as below:
Workplace Documents (All Categories)
- Notification 30 days before
Employee Documents (All Employee Document Tables)
- Notification 15 days before and 7 days post expiry
Company Documents (All Company Documents Tables)
- Notification 15 days before and 7 days post expiry
User Documents
- Licenses, Insurances (On day it expires & 7 days post it expires)
- Certifications (30 days before & 7 days post it expires)
- Ability to use file revision history with Default Staff & Contractor Documents
- Improved backend training result tracking.
- Monthly Summary Email template has been updated to new header/footer styling.
- Knowledge Base Support shortcut now available at top menu screen.
- Training results CSV download has been updated to include results from both training systems.
- Line Management now can't see Employee or Volunteer Profiles.
- Improvement of Dashboard Card Statistics.
- Timing of Bulk ABN Search now completing out of business hours.
- SDS Documents can now have an appropriate GHS Hazard Pictogram selected if required.
- Document Expiry Email notifications will only be sent once, it WILL NOT keep sending reminders.
- Document Expiry Notifications have been updated as below:
Workplace Documents (All Categories)
- Notification 30 days before
Employee Documents (All Employee Document Tables)
- Notification 15 days before and 7 days post expiry
Company Documents (All Company Documents Tables)
- Notification 15 days before and 7 days post expiry
User Documents
- Licenses, Insurances (On day it expires & 7 days post it expires)
- Certifications (30 days before & 7 days post it expires)
V 4.2.1
- Site Policies now have an improved Activity/History Log
- (Bug) Disabled accounts no longer appear under members when viewing courses/site policies etc.
- (Bug) Training Results table at the bottom of the dashboard page now includes training results from the compliance portal.
- Improve Email Header and Footer is now active for most email templates, you now don't need to include your site logo within email templates, system now adds this within the header.
- (Bug) Training Results dashboard now include course completed within the Compliance Portal.
V 4.2.0
- Email Notifications are now sent to Managers & Site Admins when a Course is assigned to your site by the support channel - (You need to enable the email notification - it is disabled by default).
- Email Notifications are now sent to users when Managers/Site Admins assign a course to them. (Please remember to update your email templates).
- Bug Fix - Issues displaying Workplace Document Sub-Categories.
- Courses can now be hosted on the Compliance Portal, previous courses that are on the training system will need to be updated to support use on the Compliance Portal.
- Site Admin Managers now have full access to all documents under Workplace Documents for their site.
- Site Admin & Managers can now assign courses to users, groups & roles. Courses are assigned to sites via the support channel.
- Training Courses previously completed on the old Training System, these results are listed in the Compliance Portal, with the ability to now download a PDF Certificate.
- Fixed Scrolling Issue with right side menu.
- Fixes and improvements to the document reminder/expired notification system.
- Addition of the Volunteer Role, this role has the lowest permission in the system.
- Volunteers can now be assigned Workplace Document via their own Document Category.
- Volunteer doesn't see Patron form, but the 3 other form types are available to them.
- Volunteer role can be assigned site policies and competencies, and use the same licence & certification tables for easier tracking.
- Site Admins now can modify the email notifications for Form Submissions.
- Site Admins can now hide unused/default Workplace Document Categories, remember they have always been able to create additional categories.
- Improvement to Labelling with Competency Matrix, now called Competency Table.
- Competency Legend has been set across the site now using 1-5.
- When adding a competency the document upload is now optional.
- Unused Columns have been removed from the Competency Tables.
- Competences can now be marked as Obsolete, but will still be listed in table for record keeping.
- When Competency is assigned to a Group all names included in the group will now show in the Competency Table, also with the group name.
- Competency Legend now displays on the Table for reference.
- There are additional date files now when adding Competences to track date added/expired etc.
- When listing users in a dropdown list there are different colours for different roles.
- When a New Site Policy is assigned to a user, a counter appears in the left menu when they login, they are also sent an email.
- On your first login or a login from a Private window, a basic introduction will now show with instructions for each particular role.
- When the user is viewing a Site Policy the policy can also be downloaded, even after the policy has been approved or not approved.
- User Profile Documents are now included in the expired documents email reminders.
- The Certificate/Licence/Insurance table has been split into seperate tables now.
- You can move files/certifications etc, between tables within User Profiles now, (Moving Files within Workplace Document Folders is coming in a future release).
- Document Expiry Emails will now be sent about Workplace Documents (0,7,15,30 Days)- Expired Documents on User Profiles coming on next release.
- Document Expiry Emails can be disabled per account, just click "Disable Expired Email Notifications" blue button on your user profile.
- Changes to the Document Expiry Email Templates can be edited under Menu "Email Templates" - Note, all Email Templates are being moved here on next release.
- The ability to set/change the document type to the uploaded document table within user & contractor profiles only.
- You can request additional documents types by emailing these additional requests to ""
- Additional Dashboard Statistics are available via the "Settings" menu, (top right corner), you can turn these off/on if needed.
- Managers can now customise there own Form Submission Email Notifications Settings.
- A Competency Matrix is now available, you can create, assign & track Competencies.
- "Groups" are now available to create & use, there is a limited use at the moment with groups, will be added to in future releases.
- Site Admins can now upgrade roles to Manager without contacting the support channel. Site Admin Managers can also Disable Manager Accounts.
- Site Policies/Internal Policies are now available to create and use.
- Additional Fields have been added the the Workplace Document SDS Folder, "Quantity", "Supplier" & "Substance Location".
- SDS Folder can now display Chemical/SDSs that have been discontinued by the Product Manufacture, these expired SDSs will be listed on the Dashboard.
- It is easier to request contractors to update their documents, just click "Email Reminder" from the Contractor Profile page, the email that is sent can be modified under your email templates,
- Contractor ABN Numbers are checked monthly, if they are cancelled/changed their profile will display the updated status.
- (Bug Fixed) Documents uploaded that have no expiry date will now display correctly, also they won't list in the status table with other documents that have an expiry date.
- Site Admins can now edit Workplace Documents without taking ownership of the file first.
- If a Disabled account try to login, an email is sent to the support channel.
- Fixes for Automated Emails being sent to disabled accounts, now will not send to disabled accounts.
- "Amber" ribbon for accounts/profiles that have never logged in.
- Global Email template shortcode fixes for deleted workplace documents (An Email is sent to support when any file is deleted)
- Update of Privacy policy layout and introduction of software release updates page.
- Duty Managers can now download training results.
- There is now a Workplace Document search icon when listing all the main document categories, results will list in a table below the search bar.
- Contractors that are assigned to more than one site, will have a small locator icon list in the top right hand corner.
- If the current SWA is expired for a contractor it will list as “Amber”, if “Red” no document uploaded, “Green” if uploaded and not expired.
- Help & Support Icon will “Flash” if the account hasn’t logged in previously, or they login on a private Browser.