Creating Food Items (Important)

Please go to "Add Food Items" under the "Custom Form Builder" menu item

Food Items are required to be made to perform the following items.

  • Using Food Items in the Custom Form Builder.
  • Recording Temperature of Food Items via Bluetooth or manual reads in a form.
  • Time Temperature Logs.
  • Any Form that references that Food Item.

If you are trying to answer a form and there are no food items, there won't be a pre-filled food item ist, you can manually add a food item when completed a form, these manually added items will then appear in the "Add Food Items" table.

At this stage you are unable to edit a Food Item after it is created - if there is a spelling issue/mistake please contact and ask for the item to be updated.

When you visit the Food Item table for the first time, this table will be empty, you will need to create your food items. Please remember you will be able to report on these items on upcoming desktop releases, so ensure you create food items that you know you will want to report on.

You can see you can set the Food Item details below

  • Name
  • Temperature Threshold
  • Categories

These Food Items Categories are important as they will be used in the custom form builder.

If you are having any issues or have questions please contact

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