Creating a Shared Tablet Device Account
The "Shared Tablet Device" role is for use on a tablet or mobile that can be used by other users that have a 4-digit pin. Users that have their own login details can also user their 4 digit pin to submit forms via this tablet.
This role/user is restricted and is unable to login to the Desktop Application, nor can it be used without entering a 4-digit pin. This account will be useful in workplaces where staff will not be using their own devices to anwer forms and/or complete tasks, but will still need to sign forms with their PIN.
To create a Shared Tablet Device account, select "Shared Table Device" from the Left side menu, under "Profile Management"

It will list the current Shared Table Device accounts, if required you can update the login password for those account.
To create an additional account click the +, top right hand corner and the following table will appear.

You can enter an email address, Tablet Location (which becomes the username), you can also use the new auto generate password feature to create a random password, or you can enter your own password.
Don't forget to assign the correct email template when adding accounts, as you can change the emails to site your business needs.
An email is sent to the email address which will contain the password, username. If you are using a non-deliverable email, be sure to copy the username and password before you save, otherwise you will need to manually update the password of that shared device which you do just like updating any other account in the portal.
App links for both stores are provided in the email sent.
Any issues please contact